Tips on Work Life Balance

Tips on Work Life Balance

We have all heard the statement, “too much of anything is good for nothing” and that applies to work also. No matter how much we love our jobs, we would be damaging our health and relationships if we put so much time and energy into work, that we have nothing left for anything else. Having a balance of work and life might sound difficult, but it is not impossible at all. It is a very essential part of our daily life. Some of us in an effort to achieve professional success or recognition or because we are passionate about what we do, end up damaging our relationship, health, and overall happiness. Our desire to be professionally successful can cause us to put our well-being on the back burner.

K KN Consulting
The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence (EI)

The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence (EI)

“The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way; they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but...they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions.”

K KN Consulting
The Art of Problem-Solving At Work

The Art of Problem-Solving At Work

The art of problem-solving is something everyone should master because it is a skill we all need. From the top manager to the entry-level staff, problem-solving is a part of everyone's work. It is crucial to understand that it is a core part of every organization or company because things happen that we did not anticipate and we often have to find creative ways of dealing with them.

K KN Consulting
Team Building At Work

Team Building At Work

Team-building in the workplace is a process of creating a cohesive unit that works together towards the same common goal. Team- building brings people together by encouraging teamwork and team spirit. This will create understanding and bonding between team and coworkers which will lead the organization toward success. Fun activities that help people to see each other from a different angle and light allow the team to connect easily and in different settings. The most powerful reason for team-building is to get excellent work results that benefit both the employees and the organization.

K KN Consulting
Surviving As An Introvert

Surviving As An Introvert

Introverts exist in a variety of flavors; some are reserved and dislike social situations while some people enjoy performing but need quiet time to recover afterwards. (Both Amy Schumer and Oprah identify as introverts.) Others are uncomfortable with scenarios in which they have to communicate with others or face a crowd. I heard a preacher on the television today who said that at one time when someone greeted him on the street, it would be about 2 blocks later that he would respond.

K KN Consulting
Saving For Financial Success

Saving For Financial Success

Saving is the foundation of financial success. If you are looking for financial freedom and economic security, the answer lies in saving. Saving is the practice of putting aside money now for use some time in the future. The difference between saving and savings is well worth noting. As noted earlier, saving is the act of putting money aside. Savings, on the other hand, is the amount of money that has accumulated after a certain period of saving. An illustrative example will help. If you save $100 a month for six months, at the end of six months, your savings will be $600.

K KN Consulting
Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

If you are at least 30 years old right now, it is important for you to think of what lies ahead for your golden years and how you can adequately prepare for it. Some of the questions you can ponder include, where to live, who you will be living with, what happens in the event of illness, will you be working, how will you meet your needs, etc.

K KN Consulting
How To Ask For A Raise Or Promotion

How To Ask For A Raise Or Promotion

For many persons, although they have worked for many years at a company and for the same salary, they think they would be considered greedy if they were to ask for a raise. If the employer is always complaining about money, that could be a deterrent. As it relates to promotion, it would largely depend on the organization and what positions are available for upward mobility. Here are some strategies to consider using as you think of asking for a raise or a promotion.

K KN Consulting
The Essentials Of Marketing

The Essentials Of Marketing

Marketing is necessary for the survival of businesses, especially in this time of much competition. Because new businesses are started constantly and because the needs of customers can change over time, it is important that out marketing which is the process of getting our product and service in front of our ideal customer, be something that is ongoing.

K KN Consulting
Managing Your Anger

Managing Your Anger

Have you noticed yourself boiling up when a colleague says something you don’t like or if you accidentally spill your coffee? Are you constantly “flying off the handle” for simple things? Does your friends or family complain that you get enraged too easily? If so, you probably have anger management issues. While anger is a normal and human emotion, when it gets out of control, it can become destructive.

K KN Consulting
Managing Work-Related Stress

Managing Work-Related Stress

Do you think it's only top managers and CEOs that get burnout at work? If you do, you are wrong. Work-related stress happens to anyone, at any level, any job and across industries. It can happen to anybody.

K KN Consulting
How To Motivate Employees

How To Motivate Employees

Every organization needs its’ employees. The organization that is successful is the one that has motivated employees; this boosts productivity, enhances internal relationships, builds loyalty and increases the quality of customer service. It is therefore essential that an effective manager has some idea of how to motivate employees so that they feel valued as persons and encouraged to work well.

K KN Consulting
How To Make A Lot Of Sales

How To Make A Lot Of Sales

Working in sales requires a lot of effort to be at the top of your game. Knowing your targets and goals and listing them based on what is needed daily, weekly and monthly should be prioritized as a means to measure your growth and track them directly. Goals are important to focus your attention and energize your action. There is always competition in the market with other products and services being put out there and consumers have a lot of options. Therefore, to excel, one must master the art of sales.

K KN Consulting
How To Have A Successful Meeting

How To Have A Successful Meeting

Oh no… not another meeting! This is often the complaint of many staff and they bring their phones to play a game or sit next to a favorite coworker so they could have a bit of a chat. Effective meetings should be engaging gatherings in administrators or staff at different levels meets to collaborate to discuss plans and create solutions. But it seems that all of these discussions are almost the same; they end up leaving us both physically and mentally drained and irritated. We need to work on ways to make our meetings more productive and effective.

K KN Consulting
How To Communicate With Your Boss

How To Communicate With Your Boss

Speaking with your manager can be challenging, particularly when discussing sensitive issues such as asking for a raise or making a complaint. Often times, you feel as if your career is largely in the hands of your boss, and you must ensure that you can maintain a stable relationship with him or her while being faithful to your principles and views.

K KN Consulting