The Art of Problem-Solving At Work

KN Consulting

The art of problem-solving is something everyone should master because it is a skill we all need. From the top manager to the entry-level staff, problem-solving is a part of everyone's work. It is crucial to understand that it is a core part of every organization or company because things happen that we did not anticipate and we often have to find creative ways of dealing with them.

Problem-solving is the sourcing of solutions to fundamental issues your company might have. Starting from people problems to the needs of a company, problem-solving is the method we use to understand what is happening in our workplace, identifying what needs to be changed, and proceeding with what ought to be done to create the desired results.

An organization or business cannot move forward, evolve to suit its environment or provide solutions to its customer problems without embracing the art of problem-solving. You must be able to bring out solutions to existing problems and be proactive about what issues are likely to develop.

Your company must set up a process that allows the team to work effectively and efficiently through difficulties. While this process will look different depending on the industry, company, department or persons, problem-solving is aimed at finding solutions to problems, and every employee should have problem-solving skills.

Steps for Effective Problem solving

1. Identifying the issue

It would help if you understood the problem and what it is all about, even while acknowledging that other people might have a different view of the problem.

The use of flow charts, cause and effect diagrams, and other visual tools of strategic planning can help your team find the underlying root of the problem and proffer better solutions.

2. Evaluate solutions

You should check different solutions to the problem. For each solution suggested, you should weigh the pros and cons to understand the effects it will have on the business or customer.

You can then identify the obstacles that arise and brainstorm ways to overcome them with your team. At this stage, you should also make sure that all team members’ ideas are in line with the prescribed goals and objectives.

3.  Choose a solution.

This stage is where you have to select the best choice amongst the different solutions your team has outlined for the problem. You can make sure that;

  • The chosen solution must solve the problem without creating a new one.

  • The solution is implementable.

  • All team members or a higher percentage of the number of team members accept the solution.

  • It fits your business and organization's guidelines and needs.

4. Action

Act on the agreed course of action as soon as you have the necessities. Implementation of the decided solution method could involve the following;

  • Create an action plan for implementation.

  • Define and delineate the objectives, setting them into measurable targets.

  • Define timelines.

  • Communicate the plan to all parties involved.

  • Create a feedback channel to use during the whole implementation process.

5. Monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

You or someone you designate should take a monitoring and evaluation approach to ensure that the technique is working; if not, you may need to go back to the drawing board, to select the next solution option.