The Essentials Of Marketing

KN Consulting

Marketing is necessary for the survival of businesses, especially in this time of much competition. Because new businesses are started constantly and because the needs of customers can change over time, it is important that out marketing which is the process of getting our product and service in front of our ideal customer, be something that is ongoing.

Marketing Strategy

Investopedia defines a strategy as the overall game plan that the business uses to reach potential customers and convert them into confirmed and loyal customers of the products or services they provide. Typically, this includes pricing, key brand messaging, targeted customer statistics and other strategies, which are dependent on the product or service being offered.  

8 marketing strategies to consider

1. Having an online presence

For many customers, they start googling a company before they decide to do business there, therefore your website is important. Ensure that it is attractive and easy to use with pleasing colours and a straightforward design.  It must clearly present the message you are trying to convey and how someone can purchase the product or service you offer.

2. Customer Relationships

Customer satisfaction and retention are keys. Satisfied customers are a big marketing tool as word-of-mouth brings a lot of businesses onboard. I myself often ask friends or colleagues for referrals if I need to utilize a new service. Try to engage your customers and give quality service to them; this is likely to ensure their loyalty and they will bring others.

Social Media

This is new for many companies, but a lot of younger persons who are consumers are on social media and depending on who you want to attract, you have to consider having a social media presence. People do business with people, and social media is a place where people talk. This requires consistency and in some cases, the use of a social media influencer is helpful. It is also worth considering using social media for customer support and live chats.

Content Creation

Creating content that is valuable to your users not only promotes engagement and loyalty but also helps your website to be more easily found on search engines which will increase traffic to your site and hopefully then they can be converted to customers. Remember to create captivating content and give value. For example, if you sell cars, share safe driving tips. 

Content could also be products like keyrings, pens and calendars to ensure that you are in households and places of business.

Joint Ventures and Partnerships

For small business marketing, the idea of networking with other organizations is an often overlooked idea. If you are a drinks company, then partner with a food company to have a “family eat out day”. If you sell bicycles, partner with a gym to promote healthy living. Networking is truly fantastic!

Affiliates and brand ambassadors

Reward your most loyal customers by offering an incentive to those who refer your company the most or who utilize your services the most. Encourage your buyers and online influencers to introduce you and share your business.

Look at Facebook and you will see that buyers now rely more on the influence of others to make purchasing decisions. One bad post on your services can be devastating to your business, leaving you scrambling to do damage control.

Be therefore purposeful in ensuring that enough persons are making positive reviews and sharing your links.

Speaking Events and Local Outreach

Small businesses are still heavily dependent on exposure. There is a space for marketing by speaking at local events and setting up booths at trade shows. Share important tips, hand out flyers and send your staff who are brave enough to speak on the media and at churches, service organizations or anywhere you can actually help persons and also meet potential clients.


Sponsoring a sporting club, youth group or school is a great way to meet your social obligations and also it works as a marketing tool. Print your company name on some football jerseys and your name will be seen by everyone who watches that team play or even after when they walk into the supermarket with their sporting -shirt.


Creating a successful marketing strategy plan takes time, commitment and consistency.

From identifying your target customers, to developing strategies for customer retention and sales strategy, to collaborating with others and providing social and educational value; the whole process will need a comprehensive plan, patience, people skills, creativity, passion, and enthusiasm.