Team Building At Work

KN Consulting

Team-building in the workplace is a process of creating a cohesive unit that works together towards the same common goal. Team- building brings people together by encouraging teamwork and team spirit. This will create understanding and bonding between team and coworkers which will lead the organization toward success. Fun activities that help people to see each other from a different angle and light allow the team to connect easily and in different settings. The most powerful reason for team-building is to get excellent work results that benefit both the employees and the organization.

Team building skills like communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and planning together can build an amazing team. Team-building techniques should help to facilitate a long-term team-building connection rather than just for a short-term project. This long-term team can be enhanced through deeper discussion, fostering genuine connections and processing. A good team that has mutual understanding and trust will be able to ensure productivity and a good work atmosphere.

Why is it important?

There is a wonderful phrase "Teamwork makes the dream work." It means you can overcome your biggest hindrances if you have a team that shares a common goal and works together to achieve that goal. Your team members should know what their goals are and exactly how they can be achieved together. Building a good team at work produces the kind of fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

One of the objectives of building a team at work is building trust. Trust plays a very vital role in teamwork, especially for high performing teams. Building a team requires communication which increases productivity as there is improved work flow, especially when persons rely on each other to complete tasks.  There must be equity in how the work is shared, so there is no resentment that some are doing too much and some not enough; if one member has comparatively less work, he or she can help another team member to complete his or her work.

Fun Teambuilding Activities

  1. Solve a puzzle together

Have an activity day where members work on solving a puzzle. It can be a literal puzzle like a 500 piece set, or it can be a brain teaser that requires a lot of thinking and brainstorming. Toss one out to your team and give it a time limit to complete the task. The purpose is that everyone needs to contribute to the success of the project. After the task is completed, evaluate everyone's performance. This will help your future projects.

  1. Give compliments

Find or create opportunities to encourage your team to appreciate one another. You will only need to spend five minutes for individuals to give compliments to one another.  Compliments like "I loved your proposal at last week’s meeting" or "A big shout out for bringing in donuts last week when we were up to our ears in work to meet that deadline". These can boost the mood of the team member receiving the compliment and it uplifts the team spirit. Do it as a compliment circle so that everyone gets a chance to share and receive.

  1. Have a brainstorming session

When persons share an emotional or challenging experience, they tend to bond. (It works for relationships and it can also work professionally). Bring your team together to discuss ideas for an upcoming project or a way to improve the department’s functioning or even to discuss better work-life balance. The easiest form of brainstorming is to give all members an agenda ahead of time and have them come to the meeting with some ideas. Talk about them and let people contribute their additional thoughts, questions, and concerns on this. This will get them focused, help them to listen and also let them know that you value their contributions.

  1. Respect each team member individually

A team is a group of individuals and if they feel valuable and respected as individuals, it will translate to their having good energy in a group. If persons feel belittled, feel like a victim of favoritism or as if they are not important to the organization, it will be reflected when they have to work together.


Team-building activities can be fun but with a purpose. They are a very creative way to get your team connected and work together. Whether you are meeting virtually or at the office, doing these activities can energize you and at the same time can build a confident team, increase productivity flow and communication in the organization. Choose activities that are likely to be comfortable for everyone and employees can even suggest team-building activities. Everyone will surely benefit.