How To Motivate Employees

KN Consulting

Every organization needs its’ employees. The organization that is successful is the one that has motivated employees; this boosts productivity, enhances internal relationships, builds loyalty and increases the quality of customer service. It is therefore essential that an effective manager has some idea of how to motivate employees so that they feel valued as persons and encouraged to work well.

Here are 12 tips for employee motivation

1. Build a friendly work environment

Workers spend most of their awake time at work. Therefore, the workplace should be a comfortable place with proper equipment and supervisors and managers who are pleasant and approachable. In a pleasant ambiance, workers will be more likely to be excited to come to work every day.

2. Acknowledge employees’ performance

We are all want to be recognized for the work we do and the value we bring to the organization. It is important that workers be acknowledged when they meet and exceed targets and enhance the reputation of the company in their representation. They deserve some credit.

3. Provide Incentives

Regularly monitor the performance of the workers and reward them when they do well; these rewards can be monetary like raises and bonuses or it can be some other token. This encourages the workers to work harder which leads to the development of the organization.

4. Positive communication is a must

All our interaction with each other is based on communication so it must be positive otherwise there will always be problems on the job site. Use positive reinforcement. That does not mean you cannot offer constructive criticism or discipline, but you can still be positive with it.

5. Have friendly competition

In an organization, a little competition is not an unhealthy practice as it can create a productive environment within the firm. The manager can motivate the workers to take part in competitions and challenges. This helps with learning and team building also.

6. Set meaningful and worthwhile goals

A key duty of a manager is to ensure that the mission, vision and goals of the company are shared to all employees.  The goals must be clear and the ways of achieving them must be also explicit. This adds meaning and purpose to the work. 

7. Enhance their career path

Employee motivation will increase when there is the opportunity to learn new skills; your team members will be more valuable to your organization the more they are taught and the more new knowledge they are exposed to. Train your employees as often as you can and keep them updated on new industry trends.

8. Be a leader worth following

As a leader, you are a role model for your workers. Always set the standard for values and performance. That will have a significant effect on the mindset of workers.

If a leader follows all the principles of the company and behaves positively, then all the workers will follow the habits of the leaders, then a healthy environment is established and it becomes the culture of the organization.

9. Encourage creativity

Employees need the freedom to share their ideas and expand their creativity. You do not have to take all of their suggestions into account, but it helps them to know they are listened to and are a part of the creative process. Regular brainstorming meetings to solve problems or generate new ideas are always a good idea.  

10. Encourage teamwork

Help employees to see the value in working together. A chain is as strong as the weakness link and there is often interdependency in various departments. Encourage the notion that “if I give my best, the entire team benefits”.

11. Be flexible and open-minded

Not all human beings are the same in their views, so try to be as flexible as you can. Encourage diversity and listen to your employees’ viewpoints even if it’s someone from a lower level in the company and even if the idea is contrary to yours.

12. Don't let employees get bored

Constantly challenge employees and encourage them to be their best selves. Make some time for fun activities, even if it is a few times a year.

Types of Celebrations to increase employee motivation

Another way to motivate employees and encourage a congenial working relationship is to celebrate certain types of events. This could depend on the industry and the size of the organization. For example, it’s easier to celebrate birthdays if they are 5 employees, versus if there are 200. Some suggestions are:

  • Company accomplishments

  • Birthdays

  • Company anniversary

  • Worker’s day

  • Other national festivals that impact employees

The development of the company is possible when all employees are motivated – they are satisfied with their work, their pay or the general atmosphere of the organization.