I am not defined by past mistakes...
I am up and awake.
I am up and awake.
I can now confidently start my day.
I’ll enjoy everything that comes my way today.
Today I’m relaxed and I will live to achieve.
With these breaths and these words,
Yesterday is no longer a burden but a lesson.
I’ll be good to myself.
I can always create a safe place for myself.
My dreams will become a reality.
Not with disdain towards others, but with deserving self-love and self-respect.
The universe is at peace with me and I’m embracing the universe.
I deserve good things.
I am ready.
I will nourish and cherish them through loving thoughts, today and always.
I will be at peace, let go, and be kind to myself.
Grateful for the new opportunities, and looking forward to excelling.
Learn from the past and focus on moving forward.
I’ll create a safe space for myself today and everyday.