Lessons Learned From Pageantry...

Weekly Advice from Koren

The Beauty Pageant
Cultivating Exceptional Characteristics

Beauty pageants have long been a platform to celebrate grace, poise, and elegance – at least those held in this part of the world. We have heard some horror stories in larger jurisdictions, but let’s talk about what we know about.  

Why we don’t have male pageants is a question many ponder, especially women… hint hint. However, beyond the dazzling dresses, questionable talent performances and radiant smiles, these contests offer valuable insights into the development of outstanding characteristics in both men and women.

As the spotlight dims on the recent Jaycees pageant, it is time to reflect on the lessons we can all learn from the contestants and how we can foster these remarkable qualities in our everyday lives.

Self-Confidence and Self-Belief.

To succeed in any area of life, whether it's personal, professional, or social, both men and women must embrace their strengths and believe in their capabilities. It starts with recognizing our unique qualities and understanding that we are deserving of success and happiness. Self-affirmation and positivity can empower us to overcome challenges and seize opportunities that come our way.

People may scoff, have issues with the island or community we represent or make negative comments, but we must believe in the good we have to offer.

Effective Communication Skills.

The way pageant contestants articulate their thoughts and ideas can serve as a masterclass in effective communication. Sometimes the impromptu questions are difficult or not well structured, but they have to quickly think on their feet. Clear, concise, and persuasive communication is crucial in personal and professional settings. Developing active listening skills and expressing ourselves with clarity and appropriate grammar can enhance our presentation and help others to understand us. Both men and women can benefit from honing their communication skills to ensure they are heard and understand.

Grace Under Pressure.

Pageant contestants are often put through nerve-wracking situations, testing their ability to maintain composure and grace under pressure: costume unravelling, tripping in high heels, PA system misbehaving, etc.

In real life, we all encounter stressful situations that challenge us.

Learning to keep our cool, think rationally, and act carefully during tough times allow us to make well-informed decisions and present ourselves as composed individuals, earning admiration and respect from others.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion.

Beauty pageants exemplify diversity, with contestants from various cultural backgrounds coming together to celebrate beauty in its multifaceted form. Embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment is vital for both men and women to contribute to a harmonious society.

We must acknowledge and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual, recognizing that diversity enriches our collective experiences and broadens our perspectives.

Empathy and Compassion.

Contestants often engage in philanthropic endeavors, demonstrating their empathy and compassion for those in need. Cultivating these qualities helps us connect with others on a deeper level and contribute positively to the community.

Compassion enables us to support each other during times of distress, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity among men and women alike.

Continuous Personal Growth.

Pageant contestants undergo rigorous training and preparation to bring out their best selves during the competition.

Similarly, both men and women should strive for continuous personal growth and self-improvement.

Setting goals, seeking new knowledge, and embracing challenges allow us to evolve and become better versions of ourselves.

Beauty pageants offer valuable lessons that extend far beyond the glitz and glamour of the stage.

The qualities exhibited by contestants inspire us to become better individuals.

Men and women can learn from these experiences, embracing these characteristics in their everyday lives.  

Ultimately, as we learn from these pageant lessons, we enrich our lives and contribute positively to the betterment of society as a whole.

Send your questions and comments to email: koren@consultkoren.com or through our app at www.askkoren.app

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