How To Ask For A Raise Or Promotion

KN Consulting

For many persons, although they have worked for many years at a company and for the same salary, they think they would be considered greedy if they were to ask for a raise.  If the employer is always complaining about money, that could be a deterrent. As it relates to promotion, it would largely depend on the organization and what positions are available for upward mobility. Here are some strategies to consider using as you think of asking for a raise or a promotion.

It is normal for employees to seek more

If you are nervous, remember that it is your right to speak up for yourself. Also, asking for a promotion might make you a little weak-kneed but it is better to ask than not ask and be resentful. It is very likely that your HR Manager or CEO is used to having to deal with these type of requests, so it is expected that employees will make the pitch from time to time.

Make your case 

Take a look at recent projects that you have completed in a timely or high-quality manner. Think of the times that you have exceeded expectations and provided real value to your company. Always use specific performance data whenever possible.

Know your worth  

Be sure to mention your current title and why you deserve the higher position. Reiterate your years of experience, what particular and unique skills and talents you bring to the organization and positive reviews you have received form customers or other managers within the company. Also mentioned what new things you have learned since you joined and how you have grown based on what you have been doing.

Which is the best time to ask for a raise

Timing is everything. When your company is preparing the budget for the following period would be a good time to ask. Don’t ask if the company has made a loss for the past 2 years and has had no new capital injection. Also consider the timing on your HR director or manager’s part. Don’t ask after a bad meeting or in the hallway. Asking during a stressful or difficult time will guarantee that your manager has less time and patience. Set up an appointment and calmly make your pitch.

Annual Performance Review

When the company conducts its annual performance review, ask for a promotion or raise if your yearly performance has been excellent. If it has been excellent for the past 2 or 3 years, you have an even stronger case.

What to say to for raise

After you have set up your appointment and the day and time has arrived, be prepared about what you will say during the conversation.

  • Show gratitude. Say “thank you” for your time at the company and what you have learned and received so far.

  • Be clear. Don’t go into a long nervous ramble. Just be direct “ as I look forward to a continued good relationship with the company, I would love to discuss my compensation”.

  • Be specific. Have a figure in mind that you would like to receive and be willing to negotiate. Explain your increased value and the cost of living increases. Be open to your employer offering other benefits besides a salary increase, such as, use of the company vehicle, reduced hours or maybe stocks.

  • Be confident and polite. Use an appropriate tone of 2 professionals having a conversation and make an effort to not sound as if you are whining or complaining but rather, discussing a proposal. Be confident and enthusiastic as if something good is about to happen for both you and the company.